Aside from the other things that are wrong with our system (imperialism, identity politics, greed) there’s simply not enough of a structure in place for someone who is screwed or has bad luck to make it right. Our system is basically whisper down the line where one idiot (usually a manager) can whisper a rumor and by the time it’s down the line it’s changed even more and now you’re out of a job for something you didn’t do that was probably the manager’s own fault. People with active political opinions or who are perceived this way make convenient scapegoats for bigoted managers.
What people are tired of is the corporate runaround, where little corporate dictators for no reason terminate their positions after causing them to relocate their housing, and then the next employer holds that against you.
It’s particularly tolerated in IT / Programming – an industry dominated by Indian Vendors with lower ethical standards and that came up after unions had been busted during the 1980s.
I think we’re at the point where everyone knows that American meritocracy is a failure (meaning the most talented, most productive, hardest working people don’t keep the job) but nobody says it because of the punishment they’ll get for saying it. edit: Actually that was a few years ago. We’re beyond that point. Where at the point where all the people who spoke the truth got fired.
In the 80s and 90s, being against racism was about whites being open minded. Now a lot of people are just against whites but pretend they’re against racism. This includes many people who are themselves white, but feel they’re safe in corporate america by pushing these views.